Profile PictureGus E

Welcome to PharmacyDownUnder! This is your ONE-STOP-SHOP for all things Pharmacy in Australia! My goal here is to demystify pharmacy for all those aspiring to join the world of being on the forefront of healthcare. This page has something for everyone! Is this you?... 1) You are researching into how to get into Pharmacy in Australia (local or abroad) and don’t know where to start? 2) You are a pharmacy student and you want to know, “What can I even do with a pharmacy degree?” 3) You are a newly registered pharmacist and you are ready to take on the world, but don’t know how? 4) You are an experienced pharmacist that just wants to be refreshed with what is happening, news on updates and the best pharmacy “goss”! If you said YES to any of those, then this is the right newsletter for you! If you said NO to any of those, then…… stay? I enjoy the company! 😆😆 That being said, join the fun, learn a bit and laugh a little! Share with your friends and "pharmily"!